How I spent my mid-term holiday?

Category: By laili
This holiday is not too long. So, I just spent a lot of my time at home. Most of the time I'm with my mother. I talked a lot with her. Most of it is about me. But, sometime we talked about thinks happen around us. I also help her to do house chores.

Besides that, I also went to the mall with my family. I did not bought a lot of things. I just bought something for myself. My other family member did not buy anything because we were actually just window shopping.

I also met my old friends from my old school. She now at the Mariculation College at Pahang. We did not met for about 4 months. We talked about everythings happen around us. About our studies, our life, our new friends and how we are going to future our study.

So, I think all of the reader will think the way of I spent my holiday is boring.

3 comments so far.

  1. fars_putra January 23, 2009 at 12:02 AM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. fars_putra January 23, 2009 at 12:03 AM
    lots of exciting things you wanna do
    so when you do all of your assignment eh?????
  3. Aiman Zafir January 28, 2009 at 8:51 PM
    ya right.

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